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TruckerSucker provides a platform for rural gay men, discreet, closeted & shy gay men to meet men safely and discreetly without fear of discovery, harassment or danger. Since 2004 TruckerSucker has been connecting gay and bisexual truckers, blue collar guys and masculine non-scene men with their admirers. Our truck driver app is the online home for truck driver dating, military dating, blue collar men dating and chat. Our members are masculine, non-scene, bi, gay or even straight men who just happen to enjoy the company of real masculine men. Not just another gay dating app, TruckerSucker is for the masculine ordinary non-scene guy.

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The number one website for gay truck driver dating and friending. Installing TruckerSucker will bring friending, chat and dating masculine discreet gay and bi men to your fingertips.

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If you are not on TruckerSucker you are missing out! Signup now and Join the thousands of Masculine men who make TruckerSucker their regular daily rest stop. Make no mistake, this is the app that you have been searching for. Friendships and dating for the non-scene guy who happens to be gay or bisexual

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